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Raven Raven is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Raven is probably a spambot
Old Jun 24th, 2003, 02:30 PM       
Originally Posted by Zosimus
Originally Posted by Raven
Wasn't talking about Vince/Burbank little quarrel. I was speaking of myself. As Burbank decided to return to Newsfilter and continue the pointless insults back and forth. I simple became annoyed and challenged him there. If he truly wants to debate someone I will debate him. He can find the rules in the most recent thread he made.
maybe you don't understand Raven. Max isn't looking to start anything up with the rest of you (maybe not yet anyways). Vince proposed an internet challenge to can call it a "Duel". On that note, everybody EXCEPT for "the challenger" showed up at the arena when he was supposedly going to prove all the horseshit he has been throwing about over here. But vince was really busy playing with his x-box.
The problem here, is that vince has got worlds biggest mouth and hasn't learned to shut it when it has been appropriate to do so! Even Walt came to "daddy" for vince, when the poor little boy realized he is in over both ears... seriously, THAT is just pathetic! And "pathetic" is just not grand enough a word, to describe how lousy vince is!
You're a sad character vince, very very sad!
I know full well that he wasn't going there for an actual debate. He has stated so before hand. But as such he came to the board three separate times. He didn't contribute anything to the board other than an annoying little spat between him, and his sexual partner. When Newsfilter members came over here, we at least showed the board the common courteous of contributing something. We expect the same respect. As such either debate me Burbank, or knock off the foolish bullshit.
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