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Kitsa Kitsa is offline
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Location: curator of the WTFbus museum
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Old Jan 31st, 2014, 07:28 AM       
We had fight after fight last night, which always seems to happen when two teams are battling for a spot in the standings.

Ovechkin shot on Bob, Bob deflected that shit like he had Wonder Woman bulletproof cuffs. Ovechkin skated over and said something to him, and the announcers are like, "OVIE'S CONGRATULATING BOB ON THAT EXCELLENT SAVE, SAYS, I HOPE YOU HAVE MORE LIKE THAT IN THE OLYMPICS NEXT WEEK". How the fuck would they know? He could have said absolutely anything. You couldn't see their faces, they weren't mic'd, and it was probably in Russian. He could have told him to go fuck himself, he could have reminded him to pack toilet paper, it could have been anything.
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