Thread: only the strong
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FartinMowler FartinMowler is offline
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FartinMowler sucks
Old Jul 13th, 2003, 10:03 AM       
I found your story consistent, accurate, grammatically and very relevant. Actually annoying it was so good.

I liked this piece of writing especially.

[quote]Exactly one decade and four-and-a-half hours later, Marc was lying down on the couch in his apartment smoking a marijuana cigarette and staring at the ceiling. He was wondering where his life went wrong and hating himself for not being what he should have been. His hatred suddenly focused on Disney movies and their ilk for giving him a false sense of hope growing up. He reflected back on how he was brainwashed into expecting a happy ending and how in their pathetic attempt at protecting and shielding children from the harsh, unforgiving nature of the world, they in fact left them unprepared for it and the pain they knew life had waiting for them. He took a deep drag of the spliff, and ashed the poorly rolled joint. “There must be a lawsuit in there somewhere” he thought to himself as he exhaled deeply and a smile formed across his face.
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