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KevinTheOmnivore KevinTheOmnivore is offline
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KevinTheOmnivore is probably a spambot
Old Jul 21st, 2003, 04:32 PM       
Originally Posted by Preechr
And Kevin, we must have different ideas of what being partisan means. In our current age of socially engineered politicians, I really don't see how it would be possible for a thinking person to actually agree with an entire party line 100%, or even entirely agree with any one politician, without noticing all the contradictions.
Right, nor should we expect people who are supposed to be a representative reflection of VERY imperfect people to be perfect. However, this doesn't mean we should confuse neglegence for fallibility.

If you can accept bad ideas on a "better of two evils" basis, you are much less particular than I. You seem pretty discriminating in your beliefs, or at least vocal, so I'd have to counter your statement with: It may be one of the most clever tricks the far left has ever pulled off to convice people like you that it's actually Ok to BE partisan.
The Left has convinced me of nothing. The "Liberals" I'm asked to emulate, the likes of Bill Clinton and Tom Daschle, seem completely devoid of any moral or civic fiber. My understanding of politics comes from my own education and experience, not the mouths of inept neo-liberals.

Anyone on the Right who tries to convince you that tax cuts that stimulate nothing, an unprecedented Federal deficit, unjustified foreign wars, anti-1st Amendment legislation like the USA PATRIOT Act, and blatant disregard for international institutions is somehow "bi-partisan" is full of it. The Republican Party is being run by over-zealous neo-conservatives like Paul Wolfowitz and Karl Rove, the former being the author of the unilateral blue print for American aggression, and the latter being a man who emulates the McKinley administration.

It's perfectly fine to have individuals practicing partisan politics, providing they don't suffer from a case of chronic "majoritarianism." I AM a partisan individual, but a humble one at that. I realize my place on the spectrum, and I realize the role played by compromise and agreement. I can live with that. I can admire a society premised on that.
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