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Abcdxxxx Abcdxxxx is offline
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Abcdxxxx is probably a spambot
Old Jul 23rd, 2003, 01:44 PM       
Originally Posted by KevinTheHerbivore
Once again, condescension may serve to be a down fall. I, like many others, think it might be worth knowing why Wolfowitz (or as he claims, one of his staffers) drew up a plan to topple Iraq before 9/11. Americans might be interested in knowing why there was an increase in air patrols and bombings near the south of Iraq, even as early as the Fall of 2001, shortly after 9/11. Americans might be curious as to why Gen. Wesley Clark would be asked to link 9/11 to Iraq on 9/11 (or was it 9/12?).

I think it was a no brainer to assume the US would start making plans to topple Iraq the day a second Bush was sworn into office.

The Iraq to 9/11 links are only as suspect as the Bin Laden to 9/11 link announced only hours after the event happened. Again it's a no brainer. Saddam was involved with terrorist groups, and had been linked to prior attempts on the WTC. Why not question it the day after?

Wasn't it Clinton who was the first to say Saddam had WMD??? I think the best argument is that we know Saddam had WMD because WE sold them to him!!!!! Wasn't that a popular leftist damning America argument at one point?

(and as for mentioning Hawaii - I can't say they're any better from American Imperialism, but as I understand it, they would have been taken over by France or Japan with far less freedoms had we not gone in. Nations have never acted out strictly for moral improvements alone)
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