Thread: Motherfucker...
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Hobo Renee Hobo Renee is offline
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Old Feb 13th, 2003, 03:40 PM        Motherfucker...
I'm so pissed off right now. Yesterday my mom and I were driving to get some food and some dick rearended my car. He was driving really fast behind me for a while, like I was driving 10 miles over the speed limit and he was still on my ass. So I had to stop at a stop sign and right when I lifted my foot from the break, BAM! My glasses flew right to the windsheild. He was driving this huge pickup truck so the back of my little 89 Toyota Corrolla is pretty messed up. The trunk won't open and it's kind of rippled up, the bumper is caving in and the lights are all cracked. We got all of his info so we're definitly going to make him pay for all of this, but it still really sucks because it might be cheaper for me to just buy a used car and not fix this one which is awful. My mom made us go to the ER to get checked out last night so I had to wait around there for 3 hours and didn't get to study for my test today so I just said "fuck it" and I'm staying home. But I'm still fucking pissed off that he had to get whereever he was going soooo fast that he had to hit my car. ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!! Also, another thing is that I was in my friend's car when she rearended someone recently. But my parents don't know about this. I'm also worried that I'll get points on my license, even though it wasn't my fault. I'll probably have to file a police report too, because there is most likely more than 500 dollars worth of damage.


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