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mburbank mburbank is offline
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Old Apr 25th, 2006, 09:13 AM       

1.) Do you think Newt wants to be a King Maker or a King? I personally think he'd like to find a pleasant stooge to front for him and be a Dick Chenney kind of VP or a Kar Rove kind of adviser, but I don't think he coud ever shut up enough to pull it off.

2.) It's pretty funny when you think about it, that it only took twelve years to fuck things up this bad. Huh. I guess that isn't a question.

3.) "History is full of once great but now collapsed civilizations, e.g. Rome, Greece, the Aztecs, the Mayas. And yet as Americans, we deceive ourselves into believing that somehow we are permanent, that we will escape the fate of those who also believed that they were unconquerable."

Don't you hate agreeing with Ginrich about ANYTHING, even something as obvious as this?

4.) "2. Defending God in the public square; "
Shouldn't defending Christmas come first? 'Cause there's a whole war on Christmas. His whole credability goes right out the window here. First it's BLATANT pandering and second, anyone who really believes God needs defending doesn't know shit about God. What, does he seriously think Freedom of religion is in danger? If that's not what he means, what the fuck is he talking about? Why doesn't he make issue #2 "We really, really, really need the paranoid religous conservative vote.
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