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AChimp AChimp is offline
Resident Chimp
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AChimp is probably a real personAChimp is probably a real person
Old Jun 7th, 2003, 09:48 AM       
oh come now chimp, allow me some indignation before comparing me to vince. im never not to speaking bad as much for now Vince as me.. simple as that enough said?

If there is nothing in this life that you believe that is greater than you and you have nothing you would give your life for, then you really are living a pitiful existance. Mankind is not the end all be all of existance. I am sorry to shed some light on the dark hole you live in, but this is the truth.
You know, Vinth, most agnostics/athiests don't think that humans are very special. In fact, I think humans are merely fleshy bags of mostly water. The only thing that separates us from other animals is the fact that we have the ability to create and use technology.

If you believe mankind is the pinnacle of existance or at least the earth,
Earth ain't so special, either. It's just a big ol' ball of mud floating through space.

Say... weren't you the one a few threads ago saying that you don't think humans are the same as all other animals?

Let's face facts, Jesus was peaceful until it came to His Father or the evils of the world. Then Jesus didn't take no gruff. Jesus told people who didn't follow Him that the afterlife was going to be a very unpleasant experience.
Wow... he didn't take any guff by giving them a stern lecture.

I hate to break this to you, Vinth, but that's still non-violent. I don't recall reading anything about Jesus promising beat-downs to those who didn't believe in him or threatening to jizz on the face of those who disagreed.

If I am right... well, I hope eternity in Hell leaves you with enough time to comtemplate how much of a dumbshit you are.
Judging by all the conversations I've had with really religious people, I'm sure that Hell is full of far more interesting people.
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