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Lobo Tommy Lobo Tommy is offline
Mexican Rambo Doll
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Old Jun 7th, 2008, 11:56 AM        Worst video game ever: Little Red Hood
Has anyone ever played this shit-fest? (I'm not sure if that is supposed to be hyphened). Consider yourself lucky if you haven't.

Little Red Hood was a game made by a Taiwanese gaming company (and I think the only one to have ever existed, and thank god for that) for the NES illegally. The game is loosely based off of Little Red Riding Hood. Meaning there is a wolf in the game like once or twice.

The gameplay is just god awful. Swimming in puss is more enjoyable. You have to collect a certain number of crowns and a key to advance to the next level. The keys and crowns are hidden in staircases that appear out of nowhere when you are walking. You have two moves, jump and kick. Kick is used for getting fruit out of trees (I think you can use it against enemies, but it never works). Jumping is really the only way to avoid the thousands of enemies running around. BUT WHENEVER YOU DO IT THERE IS A HIGH-PITCHED NOISE THAT DOESN'T STOP FOR TWENTY SECONDS. Why does this happen? Is Red Riding Hood (or Red Hood) screaming every time she jumps? What the fuck?

Also the graphics look like piss.

This game sucks. Never attempt to play this puke pile.
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