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yabuturtle yabuturtle is offline
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yabuturtle sucks
Old Aug 15th, 2011, 06:12 PM       
Originally Posted by Pentegarn View Post
The problem with that is the people who choose to use drugs effect those who choose not to, that's why things like murder are not legal. People have a right not to be invaded by certain things, drugged up psychos are one of them. If states were to suddenly legalize heroin or meth you would have severe issues. I already hate meth heads as it is, and I'll be damned if I want them invading my life because they can legally do it everywhere. States rights are wel and good, but sometimes a state just makes the wrong decision. As Tadao brought up, slavery was a states rights thing. Do you want that sort of world to come back?

PS Alcohol prohibition was eliminated on a federal level, so your alcohol argument for states rights is at best flawed

PPS I think this board may have its new Coolinator, that'll make Colonel's day
The Federal Government should never have had the power to take away alcohol. I'm aware it was eliminated. My point was it shouldn't have because it created more problems than it fixed. And really one should ask "If alcohol didn't work, why the fuck would prohibition work for other drugs?" Yeah sometimes states, make the wrong decisions. What's your point? Lots of people make their mistakes but that's their problem. Why even bring up slavery? That sort of world is not going to come back even if I wanted it to, because as you know slavery is not legal. And besides why are you comparing personal habits and SLAVERY? That's kind of a big leap don't you think? Owning somebody and putting what you want in your body is kind of hard to compare. No state's gonna want slavery legal. No having states rights is not perfect, but I'd rather let it be up to the states to decide this. At least this way people have a choice and can move somewhere if they don't like it. What choice do you have if the Federal government makes something legal everywhere or illegal everywhere?
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