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Immortal Goat Immortal Goat is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
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Old Jun 14th, 2003, 01:00 AM        Media Violence: our society's proverbial whipping-boy.
It disgusts me when I see people blame media violence for their own problems. Take for example the horrible incident at Columbine High School several years ago. I remember seeing the news footage, and then hearing a phrase that went something like this. "These boys were avid players of the popular and violent PC game 'Doom', which has been attributed to their violent behavior." WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT??!! "Doom" is about as realistic when it comes to violence as the old Gozilla movies were realistic about special effects! The parents of the victims even attempted to sue the makers of "Doom" because they blamed their loss on the game, not the kids. Obviously, the suit was thrown out and now we have "Doom III" coming out, but it doesn't end their. Oh, no. I have taken too much space already ranting about this one single instance. I want to hear other horror stories from you, the reader, and also your opinions on this controversial subject.
I like snow. If winter's going to be cold anyway, at least have it be fun to look at. Probably why I was with my ex for so long...
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