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kahljorn kahljorn is offline
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Old Oct 16th, 2008, 07:23 PM       
If that's the case, then perhaps it would be better for families to outlaw divorce entirely.
I agree. Especially if there are children in the household! but you could ask which would be in their best interest... and anyway, there is a difference between having two parents in your life for the first ten years and then them divorcing, than never having two parents.

If its about preventing marriage from being mocked, then I think that the first point of order would be to shut down the 5 minute wedding chapels in Las Vegas where the marriage is performed by Elvis impersonators rather than to stop gay marriage.
Okay I can agree with that but I don't necessarily see why this means we should let gays get married. If anything it means both of them should be stopped.

Furthermore, if someone mocks a religious person's beliefs, does that mean that they stop going to church?
This isn't just about some person sitting on the side going, "MARRIAGE IS STUPID" or something. This is about the church itself becoming a mockery, not merely people mocking the church. I can guarantee you, if a church was a mockery and there were always people inside the church mocking the people coming to church they probably wouldn't go back to that church unless they liked jokes.

It isn't a matter of society holding marriage in less regard, it is a matter of them holding marriage in less regard.
Oh ok i guess i forgot that you were the one making these arguments.

Would I want to be a part of a club that only let in single Ashkenazi Jewish women with plantar faschitis and anthropology degrees who are stuck in shitty retail jobs? I could be part of it, but what is the point?
What is the point? Why would you want to be part of a club that doesn't let people like you in? Why should gays want to be part of a group that doesn't want them in?

The exclusion of everyone who isn't like me from the club does not mean that it is somehow a great club to be a part of
That's total horseshit. When you hang out with your friends do you want a bunch of douchebags coming along and trying to hang out with you? Aren't there clubs specifically for black people? Do you think they should have to let white people into the club?
Do you think chess clubs should let in people that don't play chess?
What's the point of clubs if they are for everyone?
no girls allowed ok
EXCEPT regular girls

Marriage is about entering a recognized social contract with a person who you love and want to be with. It is loving a person to the point where you are willing to enter into this legally binding agreement with them.
So if you want it, then you should be able to have it? Is that what marriage is about? Should pedophiles be able to marry youngens because they both think they love and want eachother? And why do they have to have marriage when they could have other social contracts?

Maybe marriage has as much to do with individuals happiness as it does with societies functioning ;/ cause again marriage isn't necessary for love or happiness.

I think we could benefit from the less stable elements of society NOT getting together and raising children.
Yea, well, unfortunately it's going to happen anyway.

But do you try to intervene and keep people from eating pork and shellfish because of the health risks?
People eatting pork and shellfish won't actually be detrimental to social institutions Plus I'm not exactly sure what the restriction on pork and shellfish is, only that the uncleanliness and unhealthiness of them is one potential reason. especially when it comes to pork

anyway, i gave you a secular reason why we should interfere when people are doing wrong so there you have it...

to public health than gay marriage ever could, yet there is no controversy surrounding them. Why the double standard?
gay marriage is a threat to public health?

and you know what from now on if you're going to respond to me when I'm talking to someone else read what they said first before-hand, because what they say is important as to how you can criticize me without being accurate.

Last edited by kahljorn : Oct 16th, 2008 at 08:17 PM.
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