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mesobe mesobe is offline
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Old Jan 30th, 2004, 05:50 PM       
the strive for efficiency is going to be our deaths. Humans obession with efficiency can snowball into the exact opposite of efficiency and ironically resulting in a backwards stride.

The more efficient we make things for ourselves, the less we have to responsible for and ultimately making us completely useless. I mean... dont you think its fucked how if you take someone out of the city they live in, put them into the bush only 5 miles away and not let them back with only the clothes on their backs, they would most likely die of exposure or something! People rely on how efficient their pills, computers and cars are.

Even in just everyday life people have no pride in what they do. The managers at McDicks for example, dont give a fuck about the working conditions or the workers... they only care about keeping drive-thru waits under 30 seconds so fat greasy humans can get their shitty hamburger.

Effeciency is the symbol of what makes society so horrid. Take a pill to get a boner, take a pill to go to sleep, to wake up, to improve your thinking.... effecient weapons to kill as many people as possible...

efficiently = death.
The stupider people think you are, the more surprised they will be when you kill them.
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