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Les Waste Les Waste is offline
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Old Aug 21st, 2006, 06:58 PM        My extremely pitiful adventure
So last Thursday the electric company shut off my power. Now I didn't know they shut it off, since I had paid the bill only like two months ago so it wasn't that long, and I thought it was just a blackout on account of all the construction going on outside. But after consulting my most recent bill I discovered that my last payment two months ago did not work. This is most likely due to the fact that I paid my last bill whilst very drunk, and probably wrote the check to the wrong person, or to an imaginary amount, or possibly I forgot the check altogether.

They wanted me to pay the whole bill at once to get the power on, so after finally figuring out how my unemployed ass could pony up such a large amount, I called to pay immediately so my power would come back. But of course, I was told that they didn't have anyone left working that Friday who could come turn the power on, so I had to wait until Monday.

A whole weekend without electricity really fucking sucked. The days weren't too bad, since I could just read by a window or something to pass the time. But during the night times I had to go to the house of whichever friend or close acquaintace of mine was home and drink copious amounts of alcohol so that I could go home to my pitch-black apartment and pass out, because the sooner I left the world of the conscious, the sooner I could wake up and harnass the power of the flaming sky ball to see where I was pissing.

Bobo Adobo is funnier and smarter than all of you, proven by the fact that he is currently in a high-paying and important government job where he earns a fat cash paycheck and much pussy. How did he get so famous and successful you ask? It's simple: he has never, in his entire life, watched one second of anime.
- Outerspacekid
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