Thread: Dick Face
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MajorScales MajorScales is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Toronto Canada
MajorScales is probably a spambot
Old Sep 11th, 2009, 04:34 PM        Dick Face
A year ago I got a ticket downtown and this morning I went to court. I parked a mile away where I could find a meter and rode my bike. I got there on time and everyone got to talk to the judge until I was left alone in the court room with him and the other court workers. Fire alarm goes off and I put my head in my hands and he say's "take that persons young man's information" so I say "I really have to get back to work" and he say's "Don't worry we will take care of it"...and I left. So I guess I got off of the ticket and I'm heading home for my hour drive. I'm heading towards my local Catholic high school and some asian girl is walking slowly through a red light and I'm going slow and look to my right and see two young men on top of another young man. I turn my jeep around and head back and enter the plaza beside them. They get up off him and he's at least 20 feet away from me and the side of his face is all red, so I'm thinking he's been beaten. He turns to me and I can clearly now see they have taken a red and black marker and written all over his face and in big black letters it say's DICK with and arrow pointing to his mouth. I went back to work, finished my day and took the motor out of my motorcycle.

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