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Old Sep 20th, 2005, 08:46 PM        PETA and chicken nuggets
I know this person (since I can't remember her name she'll be Leah) at school. Leah is nice and treated me and my friends with respect. Then she sat with us at lunch one day. Now, it's chicken nugget day at our school, and to many students (myself excluded) this is the holy grail of lunches. Well, Leah is a card-carrying member of PETA. I found this out as one of my peers sits down with his chicken nuggets and begins to chomp down. Leah goes about ranting that he's eating more shit then meat and that there is no nugget on the chicken. She then proceeds to berate my friend with stupid questions (do you want to be impotent?!) as he looks, bewildered, at Leah's rage.

That was where I became confused. I knew this person was sensible, I knew this person was logical, but she seemed to believe everything PETA showed her. I asked her, calmly, where she found out about this. She replied with "PETA showed me the TRUTH about MEAT!". My qoute may be a little off, but that was basically it. She mentioned some video she had watched online and talked about how it showed how chickens shit when they died, so therefore their blood and muscles are contaminated with feces.

Of course!

So yeah, she doesn't sit with us anymore.

I also attempted to find this video about chicken shit, all I managed to find was this site about Iams and their cruelty to animals. Yeah, some of their link text is quite funny.

Shelters Say ‘No’ to Iams Blood Money

Iams Flips the Bird at Validated Non-Animal Tests!

(And my personal favorite) Iams Helps Mush Sled Dog to Death!
Here's a link if anyone wants it.
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