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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
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Old Mar 28th, 2003, 11:42 AM       
I'm not trying to be a punk, but I am bringing up a point.

My grandfather served in WWII. My great grandparents were italian immigrants who had their weapons and their voting rights taken away. If my grandfather wasnt in the military, they probably would have been in an Italian internment camp *suprise suprise, they did exist*.

To listen to my grandfather tell stories about fighting in north Africa were amazing. To listen to what he saw when they discovered a holocaust camp while in Europe was something that I won't think I will ever forget. It made me have nightmares when I was a younger kid. From that point on, I learned that evil can not be equal to good. I do not believe in yin-yang, centrism or any of that crap. I believe evil shoud be crushed and destroyed before it has a chance to grow. We should have went into N. Korea, we should have fought to win in Vietnam. Children of the childrens children we may have killed would not had to suffer under evil.

I hate evil. Id take a swing at Lucifer if I had the chance. But I wont sit here and let someone demean me about my obession with war and doing whats right.

I don't want another WTC. I don't want Isael pushed into the sea. I don't want to serve under a Muslim theocrocy.

You can not think like evil. You can not tolerate true evil. If someone breaks into my house, and threatens me and my roomates, I do not ask nicely for the attacker to not do anything. I get up, grab a bat or a knife, and end the invasion.

I simply believe this time and age is one we can not brush off becuase someone does not like the president. We are fighting an evil that will want to destroy us. Islamic fundamentalist do not care if you hate bush or think we should not protect Israel, if you are not Muslim, you ARE DEAD! They do not think in color, they think in black and white terms: You convert, or you DIE.

I'm sorry if I come of as a racist warmonger that believes the sky is falling. If we don't cut off the head of the hydra, we will be crushed. I don't plan on being crushed.
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