Thread: Rehabilitated
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Old Nov 28th, 2008, 08:22 AM       
Originally Posted by glowbelly View Post
you are using again if you still drink. hate to break it to you, but you aren't sober just because you stopped using your drug of choice.

it's like that scott weiland dude saying that he hasn't used heroin in 6+ years, but he still uses drugs to keep him off heroin.

NA saved my sister's life. i've been to a ton of meetings and i've never felt like i was in church. recovering addicts have a shit ton of good information to pass on to others (addicts and "normal" people alike) and they are totally right. you are using again. you just aren't using meth.

i'm not trying to burst your bubble. i think it's great that you aren't on meth anymore. that shit will kill you fast. just be careful about getting too confident in yourself or else you'll start making excuses as to why you can handle a bump here and there and be back on the wagon before you know it.
I knew thats where that question was going to lead. I heard all of that at NA, and some people are so dependant they need absolutes like that to pull through. I'm never going back because I know what I'll do, I know who I am. I MIGHT relapse, but blaming that on me drinking is dumb. NA makes you believe you are as powerless as possible, which in the end, makes it true. Booze is different to me, in fact I had my first drink in over a month for thanksgiving dinner with my family. I wasn't conciously trying not to drink, it just never came up.

I totally used food to replace meth, I ate tons of sugar and carbs to releive the withrawls. Like literally I would feel better after hating myself for an hour by eating a handfull of raisins. That felt way more like using than booze ever has. I know I am still using, but I'm not scared. Completely stopping everything won't make me any less on meth than I was, or make my life any better.
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