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King Hadas King Hadas is offline
God Emperor of Brigadoon
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King Hadas is probably pretty okKing Hadas is probably pretty okKing Hadas is probably pretty ok
Old Mar 31st, 2007, 04:59 PM       
I'd better recommend Supa an Snes game before I get back to arguing with Gadzooks. U.N. Squadron is an excellant shoot-em-up game that you probably haven't heard of.
Originally Posted by GADZOOKS View Post
Yes there was a Canyon Level, an ICE LEVEL , and oh god! A Factory Level!

Donkey Kong Country 3 might be fun for the littlest of children, but for an ADULT like Supafly, it's not going to cut shit. You play the first two and it might be fun, but the lack of changes in 3 just makes it repetitive and boring to play. It's the exact same game but with a baby. BUT THE BOAT, OH GOD THE BOAT! IT'S SO FUCKING FUNNNNNN!

You are such a punk, King Hadas. God help us if you make it through purgatory.
The Boat IS pretty awesome, not only does it add a very small level of non-linearity but it also gives you something to do outside of platfoming, finding bannana bird caves and collecting items for the Bazooka Bear brothers is fun.

As for the re-hash bit, who gives a fuck if some of the level backgrounds are similar to past games, the level designs themselves ARE original and that's what's important and I don't just mean they decided to have a barrel shooting area with yellow hornets rather then red ones. Anyone whose played Donkey Kong Country knows that the majority of the levels have some goofy function that's mostly exclusive to that level (racing up a tree that being cut down by a giant buzzsaw, riding minecarts, swimming backwards in poisionous sewage water). That's mostly why I've liked the series and DKC3 fully delivers in that department.
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