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90's Child 90's Child is offline
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Old Apr 25th, 2009, 09:28 PM        Apparently I fancy myself a writer now
Well, because writing is technically a form of art and I consider myself a decent enough writer, so I would like to show you some of my work, specifically, part of an unfinished story I'm working on, and three profiles for three of the characters in it, two of which only have very minor roles in the story. Why would I create profiles for two very minor characters? Well, because this story takes place in this big universe (the Dreamerverse if you will) that i have big plans for, and I have several ideas for stories involving the other characters, allong with more characters I have yet to post profiles for.
Here is Chapter 1 of my story, of the title Lou Garou:

It was night, with a full moon dominating the sky, twinkling stars speckled here and there. Lou was in a forest, lush and filled with trees of a beautiful, wild green, scattered throughout the forest floor, the leaves rustling as he moved and the moonlight shining upon his face. He was running through the forest, wearing nothing, moving on his hands and legs like an animal, running in between the trees to and fro, a powerful scent driving him on . Primal, animalistic thoughts ran through his head, thoughts egging him onward, urging him to run. Suddenly, he heard a rustling sound in the distance. He leapt into a patch of bushes to hide, slowly cocking his head out of the bushes to better view his prey. He saw a buck wander out into view, wandering around for some food one would suppose. Hunger tore at Lou’s stomach as he waited, hoping that he could sate it. As the deer drew nearer, he pounced up in the air, every part of his mind eagerly awaiting the feast that would come, every muscle of his body tensed for the kill, ready to slash and bite into it’s flesh and… He woke up.

“Lou, what’s wrong?” Cell asked. Lou had somewhat of a worried pallor about him that day, and had been more silent than usual. Best of friends, you couldn’t really think of a more oddly contrasted pair than those two. Cell on one hand was tall and muscular, although his frame was actually quite sleek, making him look quite attractive. His circumstances of birth however were quite unusual. He was born (Or should I say grown) in a lab, created by a scientist as both a surrogate son and a test for his theories. Because of the latter reason, Cell actually had several unusual abilities, most of which stemmed from his ability of incredibly fast mass mitosis, such as healing factor, limb extension, and any other applications one could think up for such powers. Naturally, he put those powers to good use, acting as a superhero for most of his life, starting out because he was a target for supervillains trying to harness his powers for their own gain and he had to learn to defend himself, and keeping on with it due to the fact that he liked it. Of course Lou on the other hand was short and skinny with large glasses, making him look sort of stereotypically nerdy, and with big innocent eyes. These factors combined to make him look very cute, sort of like a little brother even though he and Cell shared the exact same age. He was very bright, and had helped Cell out many a time in matters of superheroics, usually through either research or formulating battle strategies. Of course, when he was actually in the heat of battle, his main tactics were to hide and try not to die. For, he was a very shy kid, not really that brave or strong of heart. The two had been best friends ever since childhood, although the contrast could not be more obvious, and they were close enough that one could instinctively tell if there was something wrong with the other.

“Nothing’s wrong,” Lou said as they walked down the hallway during lunch, “It’s just that I keep having this strange dream.” “Really?” Cell asked, his interest piqued “Can ya tell me more?”. So Lou told him about the dream, that strange dream in all it’s and horror, mentioning also how dreams like this had been constantly reoccurring for while, and getting a bit more vivid with each dream. “Isn’t there some sort of psychology that deals with dreams and things like that?” Cell asked. “Yeah, and I’ve looked some of that up, but I can’t really find much applying to mine.” Lou said. “Ya know what I think.” Cell said, a mischevious grin on his face, “It sounds like… something that would be in some sort of bad horror movie.” Cell joked, “Ya know, before the hero undergoes his “hideous transformation, he has some sort of weird dream to make what’s’ going on incredibly obvious to the audience”. Cell laughed and Lou cracked a small grin. They both knew, the notion was ludicrous. It couldn’t possibly be true. Could it?

“Lou? Lou?”. “Hunh?” he said groggily as he woke up. He had been nodding off again at lunchtime, several days after he had talked with Cell. He shifted his eyes to the speaker. It was his girlfriend Clarisse, standing right in front of him, with an uncharacteristically worried look on her face. Usually she was confident, cheerful and assertive, but now… “Lou, I was wondering, is there something wrong?” “W… w… why do you ask?” Lou said nervously, as though he was on the defensive even though Carisse had intended nothing of the sort. “Well, it’s just… you’ve been acting rather… odd lately. I know it’s kind of in your nature to be quiet and shy, and to be honest that’s why I’m attracted to you. But lately you’ve been acting strange.” “Howso?” Lou said, his face sweaty and his eyes darting nervously around from the stress. “Well for one,” Clarrisse said, getting closer, “You’ve been acting nervous. Running away in the middle of conversations, your tiredness, getting nervous whenever somebody talks to you about it. You’re doing that right now you know. Could you at least explain yourself?”. “Well,” Lou said, looking at the ground the way he usually did when he didn’t want to talk about something “I admit, I haven’t felt like myself lately. There’s something wrong with me, and I don’t know what. I really…” Then he stopped suddenly and took a quick look at himself, as though he realized something was wrong. “InmsorrybutIhavetogonowbyeseeya!” He quickly mumbled out as he dashed away. As he ran, Clarisse noticed something. There was something wrong with his face. She didn’t know what it was, but she could tell, something was off. “Oh Lou,” she thought to herself, “What’s happening to you?”

“Oh dear lord what is wrong with me?” That is what Lou thought as he stood in front of the bathroom mirror. He felt a lurch in his stomach as it started to happen again. What “ït” was he did not know, but it was horrible, that much he knew. Everything in his body was pulsating, his body erupting in brief, intense bursts of pain. His skin was stretching, his muscles were stretching, and even his bones were stretching. He couldn’t let them see him like this, anyone, he couldn’t tell them at all. Not Cell, not Clarisse, no-one could know about what degeneration was happening to him. That is what he thought as he scrabbled into a stall to keep people from seeing him. His skin burnt as shocks of something erupted in patches and his breathing became harder and harder as his body warped. His green eyes dilated and drips and drabs of blood fell from his fingertips as something barely poked out from underneath them. How long would he be able to keep this charade of wellness up, weeks? Months? Years? And what, what in gods name would be the end result? But then, it all went away. The pulsation, the pain, the changing, everything stopped. But Lou knew it wouldn’t be for long.

But one day, Lou was missing from school. Apparently it was because of some odd sickness. A subtle pallor of worry hung over Cell for the day, wondering if the dream Lou had mentioned had something to do with Lou’s ill health. Lou had been getting worse over the last few weeks, and When he got home, he heard the phone ring. “Hello?”. “Cell, you need to come over here right away.” Lou said. He sounded panicked and scared, his voice trembling with fear. “What for?”. “I can’t tell you until you come over here, but it’s important. Really important.” “Alright, I’ll be on my way.” Cell said as he raced out the door.

“Hello, Mrs. Garou?” Cell said. “Yes?” she asked. “Can I please see Lou?” “Yes, he’s in his bedroom.” “Thanks!’ Cell said, rushing up the stairs. Lisa Garou was a woman in her forties, although she looked very young for her age. Nobody really knew much about her past, or what happened to Mr. Garou. When she was asked about these things, her face became very serious and she simply sighed said “There are some things that are best kept unsaid.”. She was a good mother who was very devoted to her son and she was a likeable woman, but one could notice a hidden sadness in her, as though she was keeping something from the rest of the world.

“Lou?” Cell said. “Please, come here” Lou said. Lou was in his bed, completely under the covers, cringing away from Cell’s vision like he was hiding something. “Lou, what’s wrong?”. “You know how I mentioned that dream I had?” he said in a scared breathless voice. “Yeah?” Cell said. “Well, its gotten worse.” he said. “Every night, it’s become more vivid, more powerful, and it scares me. Every night I’ve been constantly waking up, trying to get it out of my head though it seems burnt into my skull. For the last few days, I’ve been having these strange, horrible, things happening to be, my body, it’s morphing, it’s mutating, it’s been doing something to me, changing m…” Suddenly he scrunched up in pain, something horrible happening to him Cell thought. “Are you okay?” Cell asked looking concerned as he pulled down the bed covers, afraid to see what had happened to him. He saw Lou’s face, but to his astonishment and horror it was changed drastically. His ears were elongated, like that of an elf but longer. He had small amounts of what could be called hair, but it was more like fur, running up his neck. His eyes were the most distinctive part of him now, with a yellow glow and a lupine appearance. “No,” Lou said “I’m not okay”

It was horrific. Slowly, something terrible started happen to him. What had occured before was merely a prelude, a quiet introduction to a grotesque song of flesh and blood. He tried to scream, but he couldn’t. The pain was too much, all Lou could do was curl up into a little ball in a futile effort to stop this transformation, or at least quiet his body’s screams of torment, as Cell looked on in horror. All that could be heard was the sound of bones clacking and snapping against each other and the quiet sobbing of Louis. Cell could see the fur growing like a wildfire blazing out from his skin, feeling like a wave of needles pushing out of his body, covering everything. His skin was being stretched like as the bones extended against it to accommodate their new form while the skin tried to catch up as shudders of pain wracked through his frame. Cell could see the beginnings of claws pushing out of his fingertips, drawing out small spurts of blood as they pushed themselves out of the fingernails. Cell could see his muscles swelling against his bathrobe, making it tighter, tighter, until it gave way to the stress and ripped like a tissue to expose the thick coat of fur slowly growing on his skin. Jutting rows of sharp teeth pushed their way out of his mouth, although now it was more of a muzzle, as it slowly elongated while he was trying to scream. His ears slowly pushed, jutted out and moved up his head. The worst part of it though was the fear in Lou’s face. Cell could see that Lou was scared, having no idea what was going on and horrified at what was happening to him. He was weeping bitter tears as his body warped and twisted, futilely attempting to scream. Cell could see him vaguely mouth the words “Help me.” as the atrocious change reached it’s climax.

It was finished. Slowly, the dazed creature that used to be Louis rose from the transformation. It was a sleek beast, enormous in size. It was a werewolf. Its form was like that of an anthromorpic wolf, muscular, streamlined and intimidating. Cell was in the back of the room, not wanting to hurt Louis, but prepared to defend himself from the beast’s claws if need be. But then something strange happened. Instead of attacking as Cell expected it to, it looked around, looked at Cell, looked at itself… and then broke out into a run, straight through the window. The window smashed into shards and came out of the wall, along with a large part of the wall, as Louis, or whatever he was now, ran away from the house into the night.

Cell broke out into a run after Lou, trying to warp his legs and lungs into a for better fit for persuing the beast, though even then he could still barely keep up. The thought that was going through his mind now was mainly “Oh s***, oh s***, oh s***!” as he followed Lou. He wondered though, why had Lou just ran away from him rather than violently attacking him? Why wasn’t he a meaty splatter on the wall right now? But, no matter. He could think about that when he caught up with him. The trail was easy to follow, the gigantic tracks and the scattered debris from the creature’s clumsy run forming a makeshift path for him. The path wound and twisted, as though it’s maker was confused about which way to go or where to run, but it soon reached the forest outside of town. When Cell had gotten a decent-ways in, he could faintly see Lou running in front of him. He had an ape-like walk when running, and although stumbling clumsily, he still was running at an astonishing rate. Finally they reached a cliff near the end of the woods. As the creature backed away and Cell, slowly edged forward, it turned around, Cell saw it’s, no not it’s, his, face. It was not the face of a hellish a, nor the face of a cold-hearted killer. It was instead the face of an innocent boy, confused about what was happening to him, with tear-marks streaming down his fur, scared of what he had become. And it was then that Cell realized that, even though Lou was whatever he was, he was still the same person he’d always been.

“Lou,” Cell said in a slow calm voice, as though to reassure Lou, “It’s me, your friend. I’m not going to hurt you. I know you’re scared, horrified and bewildered, and to be honest so am I. But whatever it is that you’ve become, I’m still here for you. I’m still your friend.”. As he outstretched his hand, Lou cautiously came forward, awkwardly moving towards his friend. He then knelt down, and, with tears sadness and friendship, gave Cell a hug. In the midst of this Lou managed to choke out some words from in-between his sobs. “I :sob: was so scared, I didn’t know what :sob: to do.”. “It’s okay,” Cell said “even if you are a… werewolf”. It felt strange saying those words, . Cell helped Lou up, stumbling as he tried to regain his footing, and they started to talk about the predicament in front of them. As they spoke, Cell was able to get a good look at Lou for the first time since he had changed. He was a sleek, muscular, gigantic anthropoid beast, with jet-black fur and golden-green eyes, an incredible sight to behold.

As they were talking, Lou mentioned, “The real thing I’m wondering is, why? Why did this happen to me?”. “Well, have you been bitten by…” Cell said. “No, and none of that other stuff about devils deals and wolf-fur belts either. And if it was hereditary, I think mom would have told me sometime a-…”

Suddenly, they heard a rustling in the forest in back of them. They could see another pair of glowing eyes racing towards them. It burst out of the forest running a mad dash and skidded to a halt. It was a beast like Lou, but she was female, and appeared older than Lou, yet strangely smaller than him (Although she was still much larger than Cell). She looked panicked, and strangely familiar…

“Mom?!” Lou said. “Yes Lou, it’s me” she said in a hurried voice “Now hurry, we need to leave.”. “Why?” Lou asked. “Because, we need to see some people. People like us. And Cell,”. “Yes?” he asked. “We’re going to be… away for about one or two weeks, and you need to cover for us. Make sure nobody knows what happened.” And Lou and his mother ran off into the distance, leaving both Lou and Cell with so many unanswered questions.

.................................................. ..........

And here are the profiles:
Appearance: Sleek yet muscular (I don’t know if it would be possible to do, but I think it could be), short hair.
Bio: About 16 years old. He was born in a lab, created by a kind bioscientist as both a son (Using some of the DNA of his dead wife), as well as a test for a new type of biotech, basically a body that is modifiable at a thought, a self-moldable human if you will. Although not wanted by his father, he got a lot of media attention, which lead to a lot of villains wanting to get their hands on him to find out what made his powers tick. Thus how he got into the superheroism business, defending himself and his father from villains wanting to get him and use his powers, along the way building relationships with other superheroes and the police. Also, he discovered that he liked being a superhero, and decided to keep with it as his goal in life. He is best friends with Lou Garou, and pretty good friends with Clarrise.
Personality: Likeable, cheerful, intelligent but not really versed in the ways of the world.
Powers: Can control cell growth and create mass mitosis (Think controllable cancer, except awesome instead of fatal) , able to do things like stretch himself Mr. Fantastic-style, create a nerve stun-gun, creating tentacles, creating weapons and armor out of bone, altering his facial features for disguises, drastically altering his shape for specific purposes, and this list can go on and on.

Lou Garou-
Appearance: In human form, short, thin, nerdy in a cute child-like sort of way. He has large wide eyes, like a puppy dog’s eyes. When in werewolf form, he is gigantic, much larger than most of the other werewolves even. Yet he still retains those large puppy-dog eyes.
Bio: Age 16 He first made friends with cell in first grade, where Cell protected him from a group of bullies. They’ve been best friends ever since. He‘s also a werewolf. HE first changed at age 16, with Cell witnessing it happening to him, and it turns out he inherited it from his mother. After meeting with the local werewolf pack and learning about his powers (Which is what the other story I’m sending you is about), as well as an ambush by the werewolf hunting organization (The leader of which I also have yet to write a profile for). A while afterwards, at the suggestion of Cell, he started partnering up with him in fighting crime. He also is in a relationship with Clarisse, whom is the only person other than Cell and his pack to know what he truly is.
Personality: Shy, nerdy, sensitive
Powers: Can transform into a gigantic werewolf with super strength, enhanced senses and a healing-factor. Like all werewolves in this universe, he retains his human mind when changed.

The Magnificent Scarlette/Clarisse
Appearance: Attractive, athletic in physique. Her costume has a lot of red in it, along with a small black face-mask (Like the ones in The Incredibles). Although she is very attractive, her costume is designed more for function over form, very practical in appearance (Eg. Wears a sports bra under it, no high-heels, no dress-based part, ect.). Not very revealing either, and there’s very little fanservice centered around her in superhero form, which is often joked about. She has long beautiful red hair.
Bio: About 16 years old. She is the daughter of a former superhero, who resigned in shame after a humiliating scandal. Her father doesn’t like her gallivanting out in her costumed persona, The Magnificent Scarlette. She’s Lou’s girlfriend, their relationship starting, believe it or not, when he was the only one who recognized who she was behind that mask. Is decent friends with Cell.
Personality- Aggressive yet good-natured, outgoing, confident, feisty, somewhat playful in attitude, can kick ass with the best of them, quite intelligent
Powers: Occular energy projection, flight, super strength. She may actually be stronger than her father, due to the fact that her powers have a quirk in them that makes it so that females with the gene for superpowers are more powerful than with males with it.

So, what do you think?

:EDIT: Replaced crappy first draft with slightly less crappy second draft.

Last edited by 90's Child : May 6th, 2009 at 10:45 AM.
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