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The_Rorschach The_Rorschach is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 12:06 PM       
"Idiots like you were saying the same thing to critics of Cold War tactics. . .some said, supporting these dubious Latin dictators, or these questionable Arab extremists is a bad idea."

I hope you're purposefully confusing those who viewed the Cold War as a necessity -which I do now, even if I didn't know of its existance back then (it ended when I was kid buddy, fuck you!)- with those who back our rather shortsighted Foreign policy.

"People like you lack complete vision, Ronnie. You don't possess the mental capability to see beyond these borders. Hell, you can't even see beyond the next Presidential election. The world is 20 second images and good polling data to you."

In that case, you can Clinton up there, because largely he ran an extrememly successful, and equally shortsighted, campaign based upon polling data. How many lasting foreign affairs measures that he implimented are still pervasive now? How many will remain ten years? He was fairly typical as a modern day politician.

"How much Engels have you read?"

Why would anyone want to read Engels? He largely reworded unoriginal concepts which were first concieved, more persuasively, by others. Hopefully, he will be best known for bankrolling Marx by future generations, or as a plagarizing(Sp?) hack.

Vibe - "With a moron you never know what is gonna come next."

He's really not you know. Even Kevin, if memory serves, agreed with me that his political appointments and strategems actually suggest he has an uncanny ability to guage his opposition and respond with surprising clairty. :/

Vibe "I would much rather hear the unglossed truth than have someone try to cram rose colored glasses over my eyes."

I would suggest you stop watching whatever news channel you currently have set because otherwise you'd know that arguments such as:

"This man needs to be taken out of power. He is a danger to his own people and the rest of the world."

. . .were points made extremely clear in quite a few of his non-televised speeches. I don't support Bush, I don't even like him, but half truths wouldn't profit your arguments much at all.

Jen - "Thats because you are too much of an ass to admit to yourself that you were wrong about something."

Ronnie has been around for at least four years or so. You haven't even been here one. What the fuck do you know about it?

Spectre -"you are a lot like me Ronnie, and I have scarred myself for life by saying this"

No, despite his often fanatical support for Bush, Ronnie is educated and at least bothers to read the news -Even if many of the places he reads that news I find questionable. I realize its fun to pick on Ronnie, and I find myself doing it sometimes too, but you really are an idiot. I'd rather have a half dozen Ronnies posting in hte Poli Phil than one of you. Back to Blabber with you, and take Jen with you.

Jen -"I find on forums from people who are convinced it is their mission in the world to bring everyone over to their point of view is amazing."

The irony of this statement is mind boggling.
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Jeanette X Jeanette X is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 12:42 PM       
Jen - "Thats because you are too much of an ass to admit to yourself that you were wrong about something."

Ronnie has been around for at least four years or so. You haven't even been here one. What the fuck do you know about it?
I've had the dubious pleasure of reading the numerous things he's posted. I keep seeing that particular pattern.

Back to Blabber with you, and take Jen with you.
This shit again? I thought my hazing was over. If you're too good for anything other than the political forum, why don't you go somewhere that has people worthy of your great intellect, oh wise one, and stop bugging little old me?

Jen -"I find on forums from people who are convinced it is their mission in the world to bring everyone over to their point of view is amazing."

The irony of this statement is mind boggling.
I, unlike him, am actually able to (gasp!) admit it when I am wrong or misinformed. I think that I ask perfectly reasonable questions. I do not preach like his posts do or direct posts at specific people in the spiteful, obnoxious way he does. If you think I'm at all bad, you should see some of the assholes I've encountered in the past. They make Ronnie look like Socrates in comparision.
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Zebra 3 Zebra 3 is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 12:42 PM        Pres.Clinton Governing by Polls
Originally Posted by The_Rorschach
In that case, you can Clinton up there, because largely he ran an extrememly successful, and equally shortsighted, campaign based upon polling data.
:/ - True President Clinton did eventually govern by polls, but only after his universal health care plan was rejected.
'Huuutch!' - Starsky
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KevinTheOmnivore KevinTheOmnivore is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 09:24 PM       
Originally Posted by Ronnie Raygun
The Gods I worship? You are so wrong it's funny. Example?
Drudge, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and Boortz....? I'm sure the list of conservative wonks goes on, but that'll do.

I post here don't I? I welcome opposing views. I've said that countless times and I mean it.
Where you post and what you spout are two different things. I said you posted on other message boards, not just conservative ones. What I DID say was that you can't handle opposition in your head. Your unwillingness to even interact in a REAL debate/discussion on this board, widdle old I-Mockery, proves that. You don't make points, you spout Party stances.

By definition you are but some of you sure as hell don't act like it.
Right, right, Ronnie Raygun and America. like P&J.

"Hey Ronnie, you think the IR.S., the Federal Government, and anybody who isn't a Republican in Washington is out to get you and take your money, right? Why do you support gun rights? You're in a militia and may blow up an abortion clinic one day, right Ronnie?"

Ummm......... Riiight.........Thank for proving my point. Yeah, everyones really out to get you Kevin.
You didn't get it. I'm not surprised, however your inability to even follow a conversation gets frustrating.

I wasn't stating these things as fact (that's your hint, to see if you catch on).

"This war alone has proved WITHOUT A DOUBT how much of a liar and a fool you are. If I'm bettin' on the ponies, I want to see who YOU pick first."

Yeah! That makes sense. We've been in Iraq less than a month and haven't even officially looked for WMD yet on a grand scale. You better hope they don't find anything (which you know we will) because if we do, well, it's the end of you.
We haven't "officially" looked. That's a good one, I'll make note of it as the latest policy wonk line for not finding anything.

I don't know that we'll find anything, I know you HOPE we do. In fact I think you hope our soldiers get exposed to it, get sick, maybe even suffer a little bit. Remember how excited you were when you posted that soldiers had been exposed to gas, and were suffering the symptoms??? OH! You were like a 5 yr. old on Christmas morning. Too bad they were actually pesticides, eh?

Originally Posted by The_Rorschach
I hope you're purposefully confusing those who viewed the Cold War as a necessity -which I do now, even if I didn't know of its existance back then (it ended when I was kid buddy, fuck you!)- with those who back our rather shortsighted Foreign policy.
How do you separate the two? You yourself conceed that our foreign policy has historically been short sighted. You have also called the "war on terror" a media catch phrase used to justify certain actions. Was the "Cold War" radically different?

Why would anyone want to read Engels? He largely reworded unoriginal concepts which were first concieved, more persuasively, by others. Hopefully, he will be best known for bankrolling Marx by future generations, or as a plagarizing(Sp?) hack.
I haven't read ANY Engels in about a year, so I can't speak very well on it. I do recal his analysis on the plight of the British worker in the 19th Century to be quite compelling. I in fact find him to be much more insightful than Marx, actually (not that that means anything to you for certain, though).

Whose "unoriginal" concepts did he rip off, btw?

All that aside, it really had little to do with my point anyway. Engels might've been a drunken, idiotic hypocrite. That wasn't the point. The point was that whether you agree with him or not, his literature is considered very important amongst much of the Left, primarily the socialist sects. You can appreciate the difference between dismissing someone out of ignorance, or dismissing a person based on your own reading and assesment, right? I feel you have chosen the latter, unlike Ronnie (perhaps I'm wrong).
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Vibecrewangel Vibecrewangel is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 09:36 PM       
Ror - Please look at the what I used it against.

"This man needs to be taken out of power. He is a danger to his own people and the rest of the world." As opposed to "Operation Iraqi Freedom!"

Calling this war Operation Iraqi Freedom is a blantant attempt to suger coat the war.

Or look at it like this. How many average Americans have heard or read any of the non televised speeches? Like I said it was his approach.
Normally, we do not so much look at things as overlook them.
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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 09:40 PM       
Sorry Kevin, but O'Rilley is a self described independant and Boortz is the country's most famous libertarian. If you actually knew shit about what you talk about you would probably know that.
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KevinTheOmnivore KevinTheOmnivore is offline
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Old Apr 21st, 2003, 12:15 AM       
Originally Posted by VinceZeb
Sorry Kevin, but O'Rilley is a self described independant and Boortz is the country's most famous libertarian. If you actually knew shit about what you talk about you would probably know that.
I know enough "shit" (appropriate when discussing these people) to spell O'REILLY'S name right!

O'Reilly and Boortz can call themselves whatever they like.....
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The_Rorschach The_Rorschach is offline
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Old Apr 21st, 2003, 02:27 AM       
"This shit again? I thought my hazing was over."

Doesn't make you immune to criticism, just unwaranted insults. Maybe I was unduely harsh, but Ronnie has enough trouble, Kev doesn't need any help with him.

"Was the "Cold War" radically different?"

Every President since Truman has waged it in one way or another, whether they used proxy soldiers or our own. Tell you what, as soon as I've finished my preliminary research on the matter, I'll post my opinions here and we can and a go at taking them apart.

"Whose "unoriginal" concepts did he rip off, btw?"

Carlos something. Gotta review my notes from the semester 'fore last now. I think he pre-dated the Marx-Engels worker conflict theory by a good fifty or so years. I'll have it by Wednesday. I have papers due Monday and Tuesday so I'll have to pull some free time out of my ass By the way, thanks for the benefit of the doubt, I'd like to think you're right, it is the latter, but I have been second guessing myself lately. Might be the former afterall.

"Calling this war Operation Iraqi Freedom is a blantant attempt to suger coat the war."

Sorry. I was actually agreeing with, just trying to toss a couple pennies your way. I know slapping it in with general criticisms colours the comments somewhat, but I meant well
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Vibecrewangel Vibecrewangel is offline
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Old Apr 21st, 2003, 11:07 AM        War
Well then :P to you mister!
Normally, we do not so much look at things as overlook them.
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Jeanette X Jeanette X is offline
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Old Apr 21st, 2003, 03:47 PM       
Doesn't make you immune to criticism, just unwaranted insults. Maybe I was unduely harsh, but Ronnie has enough trouble, Kev doesn't need any help with him.
Awww...why does Kev get to have all the fun? C'mon, let me have my turn too!
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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Old Apr 21st, 2003, 08:48 PM       
Originally Posted by KevinTheHerbivore
Originally Posted by VinceZeb
Sorry Kevin, but O'Rilley is a self described independant and Boortz is the country's most famous libertarian. If you actually knew shit about what you talk about you would probably know that.
I know enough "shit" (appropriate when discussing these people) to spell O'REILLY'S name right!

O'Reilly and Boortz can call themselves whatever they like.....
Please call into Boortz show and tell him how much of a bible-thumping lockstep Republican he is. Once he is done making you a prime piece of fuckmeat for the Log Cabin Republicans, come back and expound.
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The_Rorschach The_Rorschach is offline
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Old Apr 21st, 2003, 09:18 PM       
Christ Zeb, Kev said they were CONSERVATIVE, not REPUBLICAN. There is a difference between the two. Words have meaning. I know you pound out your messages in one minute, and probably read responces just as quickly, but I'll tell you what.

Spend more time doing both, and you'll find you might be taken seriously.
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Old Apr 22nd, 2003, 10:15 AM       
Sea Monkey Regan Welcomes other opinions
so that he can

Tell them they're wrong
Call them 'hippies' 'libs' and other words he uses to mean 'scary other'
Tell them how right he is
define them as being outside of groups he feels empowered to define;
Christian, American, etc.
Enjoy ugly characteristics such as gloating, name calling, spite all wgile pretending complete innocence of these things
Call them liars whie reserving the right to lie about them
Wallow in negative attention
proclaim his righteousness

Again and again I have offered Naldo the chnce to demonstrate some way in which he found either himself or one of his proxies (W, Rumsfeld, Limbaugh, etc.) was wrong. He is constitutionally unable to do so.
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