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Old Mar 5th, 2007, 11:32 PM       
we never get to make fun of stupid people on this message board anymore
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Preechr Preechr is offline
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Old Mar 5th, 2007, 11:35 PM       
It's called Mock-Wars. You should try it sometime.
mburbank~ Yes, okay, fine, I do know what you meant, but why is it not possible for you to get through a paragraph without making all the words cry?

How can someone who obviously thinks so much of their ideas have so little respect for expressing them? How can someone who so yearns to be taken seriously make so little effort?!
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Jeanette X Jeanette X is offline
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Old Mar 5th, 2007, 11:54 PM       
In my blind fury at the sheer idiocy of Lenor's post, I didn't bother to read through the thread, and thus failed to see that my points had already been made.

I naturally blame Lenor for this.
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Gabby GaGa Gabby GaGa is offline
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 12:01 AM       
I may be a burlesque dancer,
but at least I'm not critizizing the same topic in the same manner.
in a repetitive fashion that gets quite dull to those of us with at least two brain

Funny, that you should say how stupid I am.
when my thread has gotten more replys
then any of yours.

we never get to make fun of stupid people on this message board anymore
says the man with a squid on his head.

Indeed, Bundy was a suburban cracker. He's proof positive
that charisma will entrap anything.
(hint, hint, government)
On the next note,
Satanists don't worship anything. They believe themselves to be gods.
An idea derived from hindu practices.
They dont believe in any god, or any "devil"
note: devil is a european term used to describe any Peon of satan,
not the actual lucifer.
I believe in a bit of every religion.
Hinduism, Buddhism, Satanism, and some African ideas.

Satanists tend to behave high and mightily. Some of their ideas are excellent,
but the Goth-kid scene don't tickle my fancy.
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 12:02 AM       
If we could possible get back to the original topic at hand, that would be great. Their are a thousand new kids on the board, that would love the attention, you waste on me. I've been here long enough to let your insults, pass right on by.

So, if anyone has anything other then how stupid I am, to say in this thread. That is about what we were originally discussing. That would be cool.
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Jeanette X Jeanette X is offline
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 12:22 AM       
Originally Posted by Lenor View Post
If we could possible get back to the original topic at hand, that would be great. Their are a thousand new kids on the board, that would love the attention, you waste on me. I've been here long enough to let your insults, pass right on by.
But my dear, you are such a wonderful subject...I have yet to find a another target that provides me with so much wonderful material and is so much fun to insult.
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 01:03 AM       
Gabby, I think everyone figured out you were an idiot when you were impressed with lenor, somebody nobody respects for their intelligence.

I dare you to find just one repetitive comment besides when I said she only discusses facts that aren't even correct rather than theories, and that only because she said she didn't.
I've discussed a wider range of topics than you two vagina hoosiers.

Two braincells is right, between the two of you.

"Satanists don't worship anything. They believe themselves to be gods."


"when my thread has gotten more replys
then any of yours."

First off, I've had threads with some length associated to them before. Secondly, the only reason this thread is so long is because everyone is calling you an idiot. If this thread was only you, lenor and anything else of relevance to your topic that wasn't just correcting your guy's stupidity, it probably wouldn't even stretch past one page.
You're essentially being proud of your stupidity to attract people who are actually smart.

"An idea derived from hindu practices. "

Most interesting thing you've said so far, and not interesting because it's true or thought provoking. Where in hindu practices did you get the idea that there is any type of egotism and worshiping of the self? I mean egotism and worshipping the self as god and crap came from a religion about disassociating yourself from reality, ascetic practices, devotion to various gods destruction of the self etc. etc.?
silliness supreme! Again, though, how does the idea derive from hindu practices.
In hinduism gods are distinctly gods, and humans are distinctly humans. I'm sorry. The thing you might be confusing is that ascetics who practice austerities/self-mortification can gain spiritual power which the gods fear. Austerities and self-mortification obviously aren't worshipping yourself as god, though, because uh people who do them end up "Mortified" and parts of their body wither and die.
The other thing you might be mistaking is ishta devata which is where you worship a "personal god".
I seriously just don't get where you got that from, satanism is so completely different than hinduism/buddhism/jainism/anyindianphilosophy.

And by the way you idiots ihave discussed your dumb little topic you guys are just too retarded to pay attention to anything that's not retarded. It's not like any of us are responding to shit that isn't in this thread. If you don't want people to call you stupid, quit flaunting it.
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kahljorn kahljorn is offline
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 01:11 AM       
and since when is a lot of replies to a thread indicative of the intelligence of the poster?

That line of logic is a better indication of the intelligence of the poster.
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Gabby GaGa Gabby GaGa is offline
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 02:03 AM       
Sir, I highly doubt you have any credits beyond highschool.
As far as hinduism goes, I dont think you want to go down that path with me.
I've been to India three times,
and lived in the middle of the culture.
The hindu is the most world and image obsessed, second to the christian.
They're so engulfed in sexuality and dionyssian pleasure, that they believe sex shall
lead to enlightenment. They also believe that self-punishment, or even prolonged
meditation will lead to a godly state.
There is a basic similarity between all religions, and that is that most followers believe
that god contains all things. The hindu atticipates a life of absorbing all the delights
of the senses. Because they experiance love, pain, and pleasure to its highest degree,
they bilieve themselves to be gods, because who else but a god would know all experiances..
How do I know Anton LaVay derived parts of his ideas from hinduism? Because I met him on
numerous occassions, most noteably in '96, when i was invited to his manor.
I've had direct conversations with the man, so I think i know a little more about his mindset
then you.
"and since when is a lot of replies to a thread indicative of the intelligence of the poster?"
Because, like all other things,
brilliance lies in the propriator of propaganda.
Stupid or bright,
it still catches the eye of the masses.
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kahljorn kahljorn is offline
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 02:35 AM       
Stupid is right.
Way to be proud.

"The hindu atticipates a life of absorbing all the delights
of the senses."

"They also believe that self-punishment, or even prolonged
meditation will lead to a godly state."

Did you know that that "Godly state" is devoid of self? It's liberation from "Death and rebirth". Do you know what samsara is? It has to do with attachments to worldly things. Moksha means to be liberated from the self and all egotistical desires. Most indian philosophies have a fundamental nature of nothingness, or pure existence, beneath them that we strive to reach. Or "Union with Brahman."
The purpose of austerities is to cut yourself off from Pleasure. The point of every yogic step is to disassociate from self.
sex leading to enlightenment im pretty sure is tantric ;o
Anyway, some of that union with god stuff comes from sufism anyway, so you're still wrong.

"The hindu atticipates a life of absorbing all the delights
of the senses."

Yea and also that doing that is a fucking "sin" and will keep you on earth and you'll be reincarnated as bugs or you'll goto hell.

Bitch just look up the word ASCETIC:
as·cet·ic /əˈsɛtɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[uh-set-ik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1.a person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals and practices extreme self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons. 2.a person who leads an austerely simple life, esp. one who abstains from the normal pleasures of life or denies himself or herself material satisfaction. 3.(in the early Christian church) a monk; hermit. –adjective Also, as·cet·i·cal. 4.pertaining to asceticism. 5.rigorously abstinent; austere: an ascetic existence. 6.exceedingly strict or severe in religious exercises or self-mortification.
[Origin: 1640–50; < Gk askétikós subject to rigorous exercise, hardworking, equiv. to aské- (see askesis) + -tikos -tic]

—Related formsas·cet·i·cal·ly, adverb

—Synonyms 3. anchorite, recluse; cenobite. 5. strict, frugal, plain. 6. fanatic.
—Antonyms 5. self-indulgent.

case dismissed you dumb twat.
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 03:00 AM       
The gradual abandonment of desires until their ultimate extinction could be effected, was essential both to yoga and to Buddhism. It is true that the Upanishads do not speak of the extinction of desires, but they certainly praise self-control as an indispensable desideratum. There is indeed the law of karma which requires that every person reap the fruits of his actions, whether good or bad, and that if the life of the present birth is not sufficient for the experience of the sufferings or the joys which are put to his account in accordance with the measure of his vice or virtue, he will enjoy or suffer the fruits of his deeds in another birth. So, in an endless chain of births and rebirths, moves on the cyclic destiny of man. All his rebirths are due to the fact that he is filled with desires, and for their fulfillment he performs actions out of attachments, passions, antipathies, etc. By the law of karma (which acts automatically according to some, and is controlled by the will of God according to others) he enjoys or suffers the fruits of his actions in this or in subsequent births. So if the successive chain of births is to be terminated, the accretion of the fruits of karma must be stopped, and if the accretion of karma is to be stopped, desire must be p. 96
rooted out. I shall not enter into the subtle question as to whether the place of superior importance belongs to karma or to the extinction of desires in the Hindu, Buddhist and Jaina schemes of life. Whichever of the two may be considered the more important in each particular Hindu or Buddhist system of thought, they are nevertheless indissolubly connected. For out of desires come the actions and their fruits, and out of actions and the enjoyment or suffering of their fruits of pleasures or sorrows come further desires, and so on. However, if one looks at the matter psychologically, the extinction of desires may be considered the more important, since it is for Indian philosophy the indispensable ethical desideratum for all spiritual achievement. If the ultimate freedom of the spirit and the cessation of the cycle of births and rebirths be the ultimate ethical and spiritual goal, this can only be attained by the extinction of desires and the termination of the accretion of the fruits of our deeds. The development of the ideal of tapas is a direct result of this ideal of the extinction of desires. It was probably thought in some circles that control of desires implies on its positive side the idea of self-mortification. Logically it certainly does not. But the mistaken transition is easy. So there grew up a system of practice in which people thought that self-mortifications are of the highest merit and are capable of giving anything that might be desired. Soon degeneration set in. Self-mortifications were probably introduced as supplementary to the control of desires. They then came to be practiced for the indulgence of desires for
p. 97
attaining heaven or superior power, and thus began to perform functions similar to those that were ascribed to sacrifices in Vedic circles. 11
The Buddha himself, as the legendary account of Ashvaghosha's Buddhacharita relates, directs the same criticisms as the above against the practice of self-mortification. He deplores the fact that, after leaving all worldly comforts, relatives and friends, men should with all these self-mortifications called tapas, desire only the satisfaction of desires. People are afraid of death, but when they seek the satisfaction of desires this leads to births, and thus they again face death of which they are afraid. If self-mortification is by itself productive of virtue, then the enjoyment of pleasures must be vicious. But if it is believed that virtue produces pleasures or happiness, and if pleasures are vices, then virtue produces vice, which is self-contradictory.

I like the ending to that. I got it from sacred-texts.com
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 01:33 PM       
Originally Posted by Gabby GaGa View Post
The hindu is the most world and image obsessed, second to the christian.
They're so engulfed in sexuality and dionyssian pleasure, that they believe sex shall
lead to enlightenment. They also believe that self-punishment, or even prolonged
meditation will lead to a godly state.
There is a basic similarity between all religions, and that is that most followers believe
that god contains all things. The hindu atticipates a life of absorbing all the delights
of the senses. Because they experiance love, pain, and pleasure to its highest degree,
they bilieve themselves to be gods, because who else but a god would know all experiances..
Gabby may be incredibly stupid, but she is partially correct in that a very small sect of Hindu Tantrists know as Vamachara do believe something like this. However, being the brainless person that she is, she generalized this tiny sect to encompass all of Hinduism and chooses to ignore its wide diversity in order to bolster her arguement.
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Cosmo Electrolux Cosmo Electrolux is offline
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 01:57 PM       
her sentence structure and psuedo poetic meter makes me want to
kill someone
barbed wire and garrote
drawing life from flesh
my sphincter tightens and relaxes
oops, I may have farted. the odor of fish
and unwashed socks wafts pasts my nostrils
and nauseates me..and excites me at the same time
I wonder of JFK liked the smell of his own farts
or Jesus
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KevinTheOmnivore KevinTheOmnivore is offline
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 02:04 PM       
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 02:37 PM       
"Funny, that you should say how stupid I am.
when my thread has gotten more replys
then any of yours. "

It's THAN, good grief!
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sspadowsky sspadowsky is offline
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 03:26 PM       
Thank you, Kevin. That shit drives me insane.

I want all of the Americans in this thread to go back and re-read your posts (and by "all of the Americans," I mean the ones who write like they have room-temperature IQs). After re-reading them, with all of their horrific spelling and grammatical errors, total disregard for sentence structure, or, in some cases, any semblance of rational thought, I want you to realize something: In the history of this board, there have been at least half a dozen members whose first language isn't even English, and they have a far better grasp of it than you do.

I refuse to give up on this. Get back to Remedial English on the double. For Christ's sake, you're on the fucking internet. If you're not sure what a word means, LOOK IT UP, or, in some cases [wink wink nudge nudge], check to see if it exists.

As I've stated previously, this is a free country, so no one's forcing you to do anything; however, if you don't want to be treated like a fucking moron, then don't write like one.
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 03:31 PM       
Talk about diversity. :sarcastic

Way to go, Kevin , with the keen observation.
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 03:38 PM       
A New Guide to Rational Living
Albert Ellis and Robert Harper

Rational Thinking [Maxie Maultsby]
1.based on observable facts, not subjective opinion
2.focus on preservation of life
3.produces personally defined life goals more quickly
4.prevents undesirable personal/environmental conflict
** events in life are never awful, only unfortunate, same can be said for people**
Activating Experience/Event à à à à Belief System –we have control over this
|X| |
Wrong!!!! |X| NO!!!! |
|X| |
Emotional Consequence ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß |

Avoid using higher-ordered abstractions [Alfred Korzybski]

- awful à unfortunate
- terrible à disadvantageous
- horrible à frustrating
- catastrophic à inconvenient

Irrational Idea No. 1
à idea that you MUST have love or approval from all the people you find significant
Irrational Idea No. 2
à idea that you MUST prove thoroughly competent, adequate, achieving or MUST have competence or talent in something important
Irrational Idea No. 3
à idea that when people act obnoxiously and unfairly, you should blame/damn them, and see them as bad, wicked, rotten individuals
Irrational Idea No. 4
à idea that you have to view things as aweful, terrible, horrible, and catastrophic when you get seriously frustrated, treated unfairly, or rejected
Irrational Idea No. 5
à idea that emotional misery comes from external pressures and that you have little ability to control or change your feelings
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sspadowsky sspadowsky is offline
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 03:41 PM       
Thank you for reinforcing my point.
"If honesty is the best policy, then, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy. Second is not all that bad."
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 03:42 PM       
Irrational Idea No. 6
à idea that if something seems dangerous or fearsome, you must preoccupy yourself with and make yourself feel anxious about it
Irrational Idea No. 7
à idea that you can more easily avoid facing many life difficulties and self responsibilities than undertake more rewarding forms of self discipline
Irrational Idea No. 8
à idea that you past remains all important and that because something once strongly influenced your life, it has to keep determining your feelings and behavior today
Irrational Idea No. 9
à idea that people and things should turn out better than they do and that you MUST view it as aweful and horrible if you do not find good solutions to life’s grim realities
Irrational Idea No. 10
à idea that you can achieve maximum human happiness by inertia and inaction or by passively and uncommittedly “enjoying yourself”
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 03:46 PM       
I'm just curious, Lenor: Are you typing that shit yourself? If you're not, I'd suggest copying and pasting from a source whose spelling and grammar are not as deplorable as yours.
"If honesty is the best policy, then, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy. Second is not all that bad."
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KevinTheOmnivore KevinTheOmnivore is offline
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 03:47 PM       
I don't care if someone uses poor grammar or bad spelling here. BUT, if you're going to come in here and start counting college credits, you damn well better proofread your shit 3-4 times before hitting submit!
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 03:57 PM       
Originally Posted by sspadowsky View Post
I'm just curious, Lenor: Are you typing that shit yourself? If you're not, I'd suggest copying and pasting from a source whose spelling and grammar are not as deplorable as yours.
I think it would be apparent, I copied it straight from the source; but if you would like to argue that it's an un-known documented source, why not take your own advice and look it up yourself.
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 04:08 PM       
Well, you see, I was on the fence about the possibility that there was someone else whose written communication sucks as badly as yours does, and then it occurred to me: "Why would I want to take time to search for yet another person who is as inarticulate as you?"

Since you insist on being obtuse, I will spell out for you (again) my point that you can't even make sense when you use someone else's words.
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Old Mar 6th, 2007, 04:18 PM       
heh, isn't that a triangle?
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