
I-Mockery Pays A Visit To The Pasadena City College Flea Market!
by: -RoG-


A vintage Marx tin gas station & service center playset.

Anybody have the latest issue of "Tits & Clits" by any chance? I totally forgot to renew my subscription.
If nothing else, your takeaway for today is that you learned a magazine by that name actually exists.

Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots rule.

More monster toys...

If you were hoping to find an old egg-laying hen made of tin, the PCC Flea Market has you covered.

If I had a dollar for every time I found this Godzilla toy with his arm missing...

Forget about King Kong... I wanna see King Koin fight Godzilla!

KA-POW! Adam West era Batman & Robin View-Master reels. THUMP!

Do not question this art... simply marvel at it.

That's a big friggin' hammer. That's the kind of hammer you go after Donkey Kong with.

An old sticker book page full of Michael Jackson stickers.
Shame the rest of the book wasn't there to explore.

A vintage Caveman tabletop video game.
This is exactly what the PlayStation 4 will look like. Mark my words.

A handful of Atari 5200 games

Space Invaders brought to life.

Ahhh yes... the classic Fisher Price Family Farm playset!

Nice parking job, Batman.

This was one of the most incredible cereal bonuses back in the day. They actually
shrink-wrapped a large plastic Batman bank to the front of the Batman cereal boxes.
I doubt you'll see cereal companies being that generous with the freebies ever again.

Another row, another boatload o' vendors to check out.

Before Wii Fitness, we had Track & Field on the NES to get us in shape.

Slim Whitman. I need that outfit... and that moustache.

These aren't the droids we're looking for. They're old, broken Star Wars toys.

Careful with this Topps "Alien" movie cards box... there may be a facehugger waiting inside.

Wouldn't mind hearing young Ricci narrate this Addams Family story since that was one role she was absolutely perfect for.

Crash Test Dummies, the Pillsbury Doughboy, and more.

An old Star Trek "Galileo" keepsake ornament advertising standee that still worked alongside a big Saturn walking robot toy.

An old "Space Men in the Theater Round" View-Master set featuring Star Trek.

I used to love this old carwash playset for all my old Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars when I was a kid.

I've never played the Star Wars Electronic Laser Battle Game, but if this box is any indication,
it's clearly a bonding experience for father and son while you try to reach the Death Star.

There's still more Pasadena City College
Flea Market goodies to see!
Click here to continue onward to page 3!


Reader Comments

Apr 18th, 2012, 05:05 AM
Santa Claus, on a helicoptahhhh! http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLRnNMUOccY
Apr 18th, 2012, 08:51 AM
The Santa copter is great, I'm all about any toy that advertises "whirling blade". Thanks for all the pics, Rog!
Apr 18th, 2012, 11:01 AM
85 bucks for those Garbage Pail Kids? They looked pretty beat up in the pic.

When I collected the day my mom seemed to think they were going to have future worth like baseball cards used to. By the time series 12 and on were coming out I saw the writing on the wall (even though I probably didn't know what the term market saturation meant yet) and stopped believing she would be right. Maybe that guy never learned what market saturation meant.
Apr 18th, 2012, 03:32 PM
The Master System isn't worth $90 dollars on any planet. I'm sorry, but the system just wasn't that good. Nor the Turbografx, to be honest.
Apr 18th, 2012, 08:29 PM
You are correct sir.

I recentaly got a Dreamcast with two controllers,, a vmu, a handful of games and the original box for 25 and that was the best console sega ever produced!

Pretty much any console made from 1985 onwards is pretty worthless... they just made too many.

Holy crap was that a Flip Wilson doll? They made Flip Wilson dolls? I know who Flip Wilson is?
Forum Chaos Lord
Apr 18th, 2012, 09:48 PM
Robot Cosmic Raider Force needs to have a cross-over with Titanic-Bot and Space Knight.
Forum Virgin
Apr 18th, 2012, 11:38 PM
Those Alien photo cards from Topps look sweet! If indeed that's what's in there...
The face of trapped wind.
Apr 19th, 2012, 02:05 AM
I really wish I had the flip wilson doll. I have no idea why. when friends would come over I'd jam him in their faces and make him talk like geraldine. I'm weird.

85 bucks is just a sad offer for garbage pail kids. no one will pay that. at least I'd hope not.
Humor Writer
Apr 19th, 2012, 02:32 AM
Awesome, I try to go to this one every month.
Pickled Patriarch
Apr 19th, 2012, 03:04 PM
A-bomb - "Whirling blade" is how they should promote the next Friday the 13th film. "Voorhees and his whirling blade of death are back for blood!"

Pentegarn - Yeah, the Garbage Pail Kids were pretty beat up and they weren't even from one of the earlier series, so definitely not worth the price. Some people will just stick a price tag on something based on what they feel it's probably worth (in their heart) rather than actually taking the time to look up the value online. Sometimes you can get a steal that way, but most of the time, you just laugh at the outrageous price tag.

Shadowdancer21b - I have a soft spot for the Sega Master System. It was such an underdog and completely overshadowed by the NES, but damn if it didn't look cool, and I loved those 3D glasses. But yeah, there's no way in hell I was gonna pay that much for it.

HowardC - Indeed! Flip Wilson is immortal in puppet form.

Jaimas - A battle between those three mighty forces would surely be a sign of the coming apocalypse.
Forum Chaos Lord
Apr 20th, 2012, 11:11 PM
RoG: But what if they were to unite their powers against a common foe - say SECRET GHOSTDOM and/or DEATH'S HEAD TERROR?

I think we'd have a recipe for awesome right there.
Freelance Artist
Apr 21st, 2012, 01:25 PM
Master systems go for less than $50 at used game stores where I live (in Canada, so our stuff is still more expensive than yours, despite the dollar being pretty equal)

I'm COMPLETELY jealous of all the pins - especially the one that says Cat Power. WANT (I LOVE absurd pins/buttons)

& Tits & Clits - I would have bought it in an instant. I love the old 60s underground comix
Clever Girl
Apr 24th, 2012, 09:56 PM
Ooh, how much was the Pee-Wee Viewmaster going for?
Pickled Patriarch
Apr 24th, 2012, 10:27 PM
If memory serves, I think it was selling for roughly $60. Not sure if it was actually worth that much though.
I shot Wilhelm.
Apr 28th, 2012, 07:41 PM
God, I would love to find a good flea market but I tend not to go outside if I can avoid it. *sigh* I miss California...
Recovering Lycanthrope
May 2nd, 2012, 06:54 PM
I'll play your game:

I've got to go with "Haunted House Football"

(Pump fake to the goblin, and then run right through the ghosts - they're terrible linebackers.)
magical sea leprechaun
May 5th, 2012, 07:56 PM
Am I the only one who's disturbed by the pantsless doll that looks to have it's hands tied behind it's back and it's face pummeled back on page 1?
Aug 24th, 2012, 04:35 PM
two Sega Master Systems for $90 Bucks with the 3D Glasses? It's a shame i don't live in California otherwise i would've bought them in a heartbeat, despite having an SMS Model 1 which has the 3D adapter, but not the glasses (besides, you gotta have a couple of spares just in case).

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