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Old Apr 27th, 2010, 06:11 PM       
Originally Posted by TheCoolinator View Post
Not feeling that "Hope & Change" anymore? are ya? Ya, it was all bullshit. More astute people saw it coming from a mile away.

Obama = corporate puppet, warmonger, elitist, reactionary, race baiter, etc, etc, etc.
You're so pathetic. You don't even know who you're talking to.

What's that, a politician is a corporate tool? Holy shit, thanks for filling us in, Coolie! No one but you has a head on their shoulders to figure this out on there own so we really appreciate you being here.

Originally Posted by TheCoolinator View Post
Is a perfect example of what TheLeader did with the Bill O'Reilly comment. These people can't attack what I say so they must attack me personally. They try to equate me with a joke society or personality instead of debating me on the issues I bring up.

Why do they do this? Because the people on the Television do it, monkey see, monkey do, it's mental and behavioral training for the little people.

So now everyone handles an argument like the alpha males on TV (Keith Olbermann, Sean Hannity)do by making these little immature name calling arguments where you don't actually bring any ideas to the table you just compare the other person to something or someone who is an odd ball, crazy, or universally disliked.

Like clockwork they think. It's amazing how well they are trained.
How is pointing out that you're hypocrit by using a site run by Bill O'Reilly's pals while dismissing a site I used for similar, however inaccurate, reasons? You have not even tried to debate the topics. You just posted links. And I don't watch big news channels. You're doing the exact same thing that you're accusing us of, and all in one post.
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