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Let_lovin_Take_Ahold Let_lovin_Take_Ahold is offline
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Old Feb 25th, 2003, 10:22 PM        WE LOVE RAVERS

Hey Everyone! Since you seem so sad that thier arent any "Ravers" around nagging to you... here I am. You people are pretty lame. All raves are about Peace, Love and Dancing. Ravers didnt do anything to you. But you people spend you time on the internet making fun of them for no reason (I guess you have nothing better to do). Its really sad. I bet the reason you do this is because you feel you need to b/c that is what your type of people (Punks, Angry Depressed Kids,...) are supposed to do.. I don't see it as "Hardcore", I see it as Fake. Its great that you guys speak your mind, but maybe you should learn to speak more positive, like about trying to stop the war, or starving children. Its people like you that make america the way it is today. Ravers/hippies are just trying to make a peaceful enviorment, so people wont always have to deal with cold-hearted and pathetic people like you. I like maybe you guys should stop spending your time dissing ravers and go get laid or try to be nice or something, Because RAVERS ARE HERE TO STAY!!! We arent going anywhere.

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SUM SUM is offline
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Old Feb 25th, 2003, 11:35 PM       
man, u got it all wrong. see, its people like you that make america shit w/your anti-war propaganda. Maybe you should stop being so damn down w/your inner soul & realize that there is a real world out there & weather you like it or not, youre involved in it. And its not all about PLUR. Do you honestly think that maybe we shouldnt go to war & just let Saddam have his nuclear weapons so that he can sell them to terrorists so they can blow us the fuck up? good call, idiot. do some damn homework before you run your mouth w/that pro-peace bullshit. No matter what, there will never be peace on earth, so just learn to deal with it.
"I'm not gonna shoot you in the state you're in."
"State? What state? The state of California? I know where I am, Jack!"
-Boogie Nights
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Let_lovin_Take_Ahold Let_lovin_Take_Ahold is offline
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Old Feb 26th, 2003, 12:24 AM       
American Is "shit" Because of all the violent red necks that think war is "okay". War is Murder and acoording to The U.S.A. Murder is wrong. People that agree with "anti-war" are the ones that are trying to save your ass from getting killed when war breaks out and anthrax gets spread all over your presious town. You should be thanking us not being a jerk. We are trying to make the real world a better place, If everyone beleived in PLUR like we do, there wouldnt be war or violence, now would there? If I didnt acknowledge the fact that I was a part of it, I dont think I would be protesting peace either. I don't think war should even be a possibility, I think there are other ways to solve a conflict besides war. What is about to take place,is not justifiable. Not only with Iraq,but right here. Enough blood has shed! it takes all kinds of people to make/or in this case to BREAK a country. The country be'n broke is ours!. I am not with this sort of program Bush has created. He listens to no one,and has set upon (kill'n). He claims to be a religous man/What God would have him do these horific things to others?. He claims he is against Terrorists-yet he acts as one himself. You're so called leader, Is a war-crazed red-neck asshole and you dont even care. Did you know that Prescott Bush had financed the German army In WWII? Which means our Country is ruled by a family of fuckin Nazi's and you think thats okay? Thats lame. I bet you are the type of person who gets in fights alot, over little things. Because your to shallow to find a mature, respondsible way to handle a problem. Don't tell me I dont know what Im talking about, or to do my "Homework" Its obvious I know alot more than you, Im not brainwashed by our government, who makes you think killing hundrededs of people is a good thing, You fuckin Nazi. Maybe you would see things diffrent if you had to actually participate in the war and experience your our pain or death, instead of sitting on your ass and reading about it in the headlines. I don't know why you dont think there will never be peace, Maybe you and all your *Anti-raver, Anti-Hippy, I listen to death metal and I hate the world* Friends beleive that, but you are sadly mistaken. Maybe you should be so rude, and maybe you should stop beleiving in your Pro-War shit... Because thinking one crazy person is the reason to kill thousand its lame, you fucking tool.
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MaskedMonk MaskedMonk is offline
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Old Feb 26th, 2003, 01:33 AM       
Ok, two things.

Raver: Wait until you aren't high to post. Holy crap.

Anti-Raver: The only reason we have to deal with Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons is because we fucking gave him chemical weapons. The only reason we have to worry about terrorists is because we support governments that allow terrorists to function (and I do mean we, unless you have never been in a car and don't pay taxes), and even when we don't, we don't fix the actual problems in the country like complete lack of roads, education, and rule by warlords - we just send the army in, shoot a bunch of people, and then leave.
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SUM SUM is offline
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Old Feb 27th, 2003, 04:27 AM       
"if everyone believed in PLUR like we do"? hahaha! man, thats funny. check this out kid, ive been in the scene for a good while now & for a moment, i was into all that plur shit, then i stopped doin drugs & came in contact with reality. Now, its true, if there were no violence, there would be no wars & everyhting would be peaceful. Sounds like the perfect place right? WRONG! thats just about the most boring place on earth, see, we need a good balance of good & evil b/c w/o one, the other is no good. And how can you say that starting a war by killing off terrorsits is not justifiable, thats pretty much the most justafiable thing here, man. You just want terrorists to be able to waltz into America whenever the fuck they want & crash airplanes into buildings filled w/innocents? Good call, moron. As for this country breaking, it hasnt broken yet & weve been in MANY wars & won all but one. Id says thats a damn good record.
He claims to be a religous man/What God would have him do these horific things to others?
now why you bringin God into this, dude? If you wanna bring God into it, then why not go back onto previous occasions? What kind of God would let any of the crazy shit that has happened, happen, ever?
As for the Presedent's relatives, that is irrelevant. Thats like families suing other families b/c one is Jewish & the others were Nazis. The people here now dont have shit to do with the people back then. Just because someone's great grandfather (or whatever the case may be) was a Nazi does NOT in ANY way mean that the great grandson is a Nazi or ever will become one.
You fuckin Nazi.
LOFL. Thats funny, im a Nazi because im not afraid of the cosequences of war? Because if the draft comes back im not gonna burn my papers & move to DC & do drugs in front of the White House all day long? Because im not a big pussy & am not gonna stand down when my country needs me the most? Because i am willing to die for this great land? Okay then, im a Nazi, if thats the way you look at it. But hey, at least im not a pussy ass bitch whos gonna run away at the first shot.
I don't know why you dont think there will never be peace, Maybe you and all your *Anti-raver, Anti-Hippy, I listen to death metal and I hate the world
Im a Junglist, plain & simple. But lets put it this way, has there EVER been peace (gonna bring the bible into this)? Only once, & that was for about 10 seconds until Eve decided to take the apple. From then on out, evil has been surrounding us. And it will never die, just as peace will never die. they will live hand in hand forever, and thats just the way it is.
Because thinking one crazy person is the reason to kill thousand its lame, you fucking tool.
ONE crazy person? ONE??? no no no my friend, there are many more than just one.
Let me put it to you this way, plain & simple, for there to be peace, there must be a war. Because if America doesnt do anything, whats not to stop some other group of people to attack us again? War is really a way of setting an example. The example is, you fuck with us, we fucking blow you away. Look at, for instance, Japan. They attacked us, we blew the shit outta them & so many years down the road, we are at peace with one another. This is why for peace, there must be war.

...MaskedMonk, i know we gave Saddam weapons, but he used those already, check up on your history, pal. And yes, i know about the terrorists. Im pretty much lost on what you said tho, are you supporting me or the draft dodger?
"I'm not gonna shoot you in the state you're in."
"State? What state? The state of California? I know where I am, Jack!"
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SUM SUM is offline
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Old Feb 27th, 2003, 04:28 AM       
DAMN! i didnt know what i wrote was THAT long lol
"I'm not gonna shoot you in the state you're in."
"State? What state? The state of California? I know where I am, Jack!"
-Boogie Nights
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MaskedMonk MaskedMonk is offline
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Old Feb 27th, 2003, 01:39 PM       
I'm saying that the war on terror is sort of like chopping the top half of a weed off and expecting it to not grow back the next day, and the invasion of Iraq is mostly a way to distract people from Afghanistan, and how the people we fought to remove from power are coming back and recruiting new cannon fodder.
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Anonymous Anonymous is offline
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Old Feb 27th, 2003, 02:03 PM       
I bet you are the type of person who gets in fights alot, over little things.

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SUM SUM is offline
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Old Feb 27th, 2003, 02:34 PM       
right, but you see, the reason we are fighting Iraq is because Saddam may be the one supplying chemical weapons to terrorists. Look at it this way, if youre gonna fight the war on drugs, you dont arrest every kid w/a dime bag, you arrest the source, the dealer.
"I'm not gonna shoot you in the state you're in."
"State? What state? The state of California? I know where I am, Jack!"
-Boogie Nights
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Anonymous Anonymous is offline
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Old Feb 27th, 2003, 02:37 PM       
So, by your logic, we should arrest ourselves?
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MaskedMonk MaskedMonk is offline
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Old Feb 27th, 2003, 06:28 PM       
The reason for terrorism is not the existance of weapons. I mean, French people probably have weapons of mass destruction but nobody freaks out when one of them gets on a plane. Terrorism is caused by two things - having a shitty country, and the country's shitty condition being our fault.
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SUM SUM is offline
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Old Feb 27th, 2003, 11:40 PM       
touche chojin...touche.
"I'm not gonna shoot you in the state you're in."
"State? What state? The state of California? I know where I am, Jack!"
-Boogie Nights
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The Retro Kat The Retro Kat is offline
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Old Mar 3rd, 2003, 05:31 PM       
Well, Lovin. You are one dumb piece of shit.

I for one am very happy with President Bush. He is taking hold of the situation well. If your hippy scumbag druggie ass was in his spot preaching this love shit, well, you'd be dead and there would be a lot more people in landmarks and monuments dead.

I would gladly fight in this war if it need be necessary. Fuck, I would ride a nuke down on Iraq or Kuwait or Afghanistan Slim Pickens style. No regrets. Sometimes war is the answer to save fucking jackasses like you and all of us in this country.

So, in conclusion, fuck you and your hippy friend, you're our of your elements and have no fucking clue what you are talking about.
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Skulhedface Skulhedface is offline
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Old Mar 3rd, 2003, 06:07 PM       
Originally Posted by Let_lovin_Take_Ahold
All raves are about Peace, Love and Dancing.
I thought they were about trading pills and playing with shiny, glowy things.

Originally Posted by Let_lovin_Take_Ahold
Enough blood has shed!
And sweetie, as long as there are more than two people on this planet who have even one trait that's not in common, there will be more.

Originally Posted by Let_lovin_Take_Ahold
Because your to shallow to find a mature, respondsible way to handle a problem.
So why don't YOU run for office, since you can run this country SOOOOOO much better than any of us.

Originally Posted by Let_lovin_Take_Ahold
Did you know that Prescott Bush had financed the German army In WWII? Which means our Country is ruled by a family of fuckin Nazi's and you think thats okay?
So by that rationale, ANYONE of German descent that didn't flee Nazi Germany is also a Nazi?

Originally Posted by Let_lovin_Take_Ahold
Im not brainwashed by our government
Oh yea? Where did you find out that "Prescott Bush" was backing the Nazis? It wasn't a Democratic Smear Campaign booklet, was it perchance? If you tell me it was a website I will smack the shit out of you.

Originally Posted by Let_lovin_Take_Ahold
You fuckin Nazi.
PLUR, indeed.

Originally Posted by Let_lovin_Take_Ahold
What God would have him do these horific things to others?.
Gee, I bet the millions of people that died during the Holocaust or even WWII in general are thinking the same things.

Besides, what God would also massacre half a world of people "In His Name"? Think.

You can preach about a perfect world all you want. Ain't gonna happen. DEAL WITH IT. You need to wipe the rosey tint off those glasses.
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CastroMotorOil CastroMotorOil is offline
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Old Mar 3rd, 2003, 07:33 PM       
Its obvious I know alot more than you
Really, so that is why you take the magic happy brain eating drug and watch the super cool glowing magic sticks float around?

Because RAVERS ARE HERE TO STAY!!! We arent going anywhere.
Well that is probably because you
A. Forgot where your legs were or hwo they worked.
B. Got lost in the big open space that is the rave.
C. Forgot how to drive your car home.
D. Think anyone gives a damn about your opinions.

All raves are about Peace, Love and Dancing.
Especially ones in chicago.

I don't know why you dont think there will never be peace,
Simple history, there as only been world peace for maybe 10-15 years total throughout human history. Humans are a naturally aggressive creature. Human aggression is a mainstay of the world and one day it wil lbe our downfall. Until then there will always be war somewhere. Beleiving anything else is naive and foolhardy.

I think there are other ways to solve a conflict besides war.
Really, I mean by god you should tell somone about those ways. Are they by any chance called diplomacy? Well news flash we have tried that for 10 years and it has not worked, time for plan B.

He claims to be a religous man/What God would have him do these horific things to others?.
Just about every god man has ever created.

Too close, thank you Lovin for you ahve given me much needed self esteem boost. I had forgotten how much smarter and more intelligent i am then most people, and the fact that I am not you is a another big bonus. I really do hope you take some laced E next tiem you go raving
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Old Mar 3rd, 2003, 08:27 PM       
All raves are about Peace, Love and Dancing.

Especially ones in chicago.
@Zorak, can't believe I missed that one
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The Retro Kat The Retro Kat is offline
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Old Mar 3rd, 2003, 09:38 PM       
The funny thing is that the hippy can't say anything to top that shit.
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Old Mar 3rd, 2003, 10:48 PM       
Which probably means ::sniffs the air:: I SMELL CHARACTER!
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Carnivore Carnivore is offline
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Old Mar 3rd, 2003, 11:08 PM       
Wow. That is just astounding stupidity there. Bravo! Unless LLTA returns, I won't devote any more energy to this thread.

And for the record, I hate Bush... but I hate morons like you too, LLTA.
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Buddha Buddha is offline
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Old Mar 4th, 2003, 01:39 AM       
that thing about chicago woulda been funny, but that wasnt a rave.
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Old Mar 4th, 2003, 01:39 PM       
close enough, and most peopel who go "clubbin" are the same peopel who rave
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Old Mar 4th, 2003, 01:58 PM       
and I bet if they autopsy the corpses, they'll find just as high a chemical level in the blood as well.
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Old Mar 4th, 2003, 03:44 PM       
Carni is probably right, but i don't care, i still had fun
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The Retro Kat The Retro Kat is offline
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Old Mar 4th, 2003, 07:58 PM       
I really wish lovin would come back. Because you know anything he types would be sheer idiocy and we would tear him a new one.
Gas and masturbation are highly unlikely to be connected with each other. Have you tried to stop masturbating? Has the gas subsided as a result? Perhaps you could try the same experiment by increasing the times you masturbate daily. Do you notice that the gas is increasing?
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Old Mar 4th, 2003, 08:12 PM       
I still have trouble believing that Lovin is anything but a very badly thought out character. Or a personified migraine.
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