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Mutsu: The Curious Little Fish!


In case you haven't read the Mutsu piece yet, click here to learn all about him.


by Thomas Miller:
Click to Enlarge pic!
[click to enlarge]
He's called Michi, "Corn-Face"... Damn Thomas, you're one cruel bastard.

by Brenna Marie:

Let's see here... Mutsu stabbed himself a ho' and has devil horns,
fangs, a pierced tail, and a lot o' cash. Makes sense to me!

by MiyukiMitsukai:

MiyukiMitsukai either didn't understand the point of the contest or
she was brainwashed by Mutsu and commanded to portray him kindly.

by Blackjack:

Blackjack not only did a cool drawing but included a description of it too:

"Meka Mutsu represents the very pinnacle of Japanese-fish military technology, a colossal fighting machine fully capable of wasting anything in it's path from tanks to jets. Constructed out of the very toughest materials know to man or fish and equipped with the very latest in optical processing technology and weaponry, the Meka-Mutsu is undeniably a force to be reckoned with.

Central to the design is the Meka-Mutsu assault rifle, a massive energy weapon based on current laser technology but on a scale thought previously unattainable before. It comprises a highly sophisticated laser chamber which can be configured to three different modes of fire. The primary mode, known as "The Punisher," is intended for anti-personnel fire and emits dozens and dozens of relatively low energy shots every time the trigger is pulled, saturating the area with a hail of deadly laser bolts and easily capable of mowing down a battalion. In secondary mode, (the "Ioniser") the energy is stored up into one massive charge designed to crack open a battle tank or other similarly armoured vehicle. The third mode, the spectacular "Laser-whip", can only be put into action if the machine initially immobilized itself, as a stable platform needs to be created for it to function. A brilliant beam of energy extends from the barrel to a distance up up to fifty yards, and if sufficiently focused can slice through steel, concrete or any other defensive substance. The Meka-Mutsu unit can utilize this weapon as a makeshift hand to hand combat weapon if engaging other mobile suits, or frequently for demolition of entire buildings.

Yes, the Meka-Mutsu is loose.
Pickle-hat-wearing-Webmasters, beware."

Nice work Blackjack. Scary... but nice.

by London Arbuckle:

Yyyyyeah... ok so um, "Japan conquers I-Mockery.com and the world will soon
follow." And I think that's Acid that Mutsu is trying to dump on my Pickle Hat.
If he didn't like the hat, he could just say so instead of melting it. >:(

by HydraulicFin:

WOW. All I can say is that HydraulicFin wins the award for most submissions.
Not only did HF send in the most, but they're all different. HF has basically
covered every end of the Mutsu-Photoshopping spectrum here...
The Ultimate Mutsu, Trap-Jaw Mutsu, Mike Tyson Mutsu, The MuTerminator,
Godzilla Mutsu, Akira Mutsu, Optimus Prime Mutsu, and The Hulk Mutsu!

Think you can stomach more? Then onto page 3 of the Runner Ups!

[The Winning Entries]

The Runner-Ups:
[Page 1] [Page 2] [Page 3] [Page 4] [Page 5] [Page 6]



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